Monday, December 26, 2011

to whom I idolized ;)

1.Rachele Brooke Smith
2.Elizabeth Gillies
3.Victoria Justice
4.Charlie Rowe
5.Lorn Macdonald
6.Skandar Keynes

well that is all for tonight bye :)

alvin and the chipmunk trailer

that is all,bye ;)

some Laduree pics

dambo style ;)
well that is all gotta go eat tomorrow I will post more ok ;) peace !!!


Ladurée (French pronunciation: [la.dy.ʁe]) is a luxury cakes and pastries brand based in Paris, France. It is known as the inventor of the double-decker macaron, fifteen thousand of which are sold every day. They are still one of the best known makers of macarons in the world.

Louis-Ernest Ladurée, a miller, was a prolific writer and produced works in almost every literary form including plays, poetry, novels, essays, historical and scientific works, more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books and pamphlets. He was an outspoken supporter of social reform, despite strict censorship laws and harsh penalties for those who broke them. As a satirical polemicist, he frequently made use of his works to criticize intolerance, religious dogma and the French institutions of his day. He founded the bakery on the Rue Royale, Paris in 1862. During the Paris Commune uprising of 1871 the bakery was burnt down. A pastry shop was built at the same location and Jules Chéret was entrusted with the interior decoration. The chubby cherubs dressed as pastry cooks, painted by him on the ceiling, form the company's emblem. The interior of the premises were painted in the same celadon colour as the façade. Ladurée's rise to fame came in 1930 when his grandson, Pierre Desfontaines, had the original idea of the double-decker, sticking two macaron shells together with a creamy ganache as filling.[1] Queen Catherine de' Medici had brought the macaron to France from Italy in the 16th century, and the recipe for the biscuit had hardly varied over the years, but the amounts of the ingredients used and the appearance of the end product were up to the individual bakers.
Desfontaines also opened a tearoom at the pastry shop. In those days ladies were not admitted to cafés, which were the exclusive domain of men. This was a big success with ladies, who enjoyed meeting in the freedom of the tearoom rather than their homes.

anyways I am craving for maroons and this is the history of the best maroon of all and it was called "Laduree" and it could only be found only in "Paris" the city of love and the city of fashion,well am so bored and just got home from sun well me nd my friends hang out and just watch alvin and the chipmunk (chipwreck) and was pretty awsome I post some clips and pictures after this,bye!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

sparks fly

love this song so much and it stucks in my head .... anyways I was bored :( ,so enjoy this music video but it is not the official I think .....well bye :)

danbo I went to my uncle's house for dinner and it was totally random cool ..... I ask him if he had something new to play with ? then he hand over me a cute and adorable doll called "Danbo" !!!! I know it was kinda last year (I thought ok ) andd I am totally in love with Danbo right now!!!!!!

 So these are the pics that I've got
piano Danbo
 that little guy who is on top of Danbo's head is Amo
Amo is mine Danbo is my sister's
Danbo go clean up your face aren't you embarrassed infront of your girlfriend :(

what a beautiful family you have Danbo :)
good daddy Danbo show him how to play ;)

well I guess that is all for so today bye :)

a christmas song video

I love this christmas song,it ws sang by Mitchel Musso I think you guys will like it.

funny christmas cartoon comic pics :)

robber rabbit hahahaha :)

I always wonder why snowmen and snowomen can't get pregnant ???
fake boobs OMG !!!!
the real..umm I don't know what it really means???

Friday, December 23, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

the bachelorette

OMG my sister is in love with this movie and it is kinda awsome too actually,because the  movie is about a girl name Ashley hebert and she was looking for a husband ugh,i can't explain it because there is another episode and another and another it is only on ''StarWorld" but it is so coolbut the thing is I miss the beginning so I kinda not understand,well...bye!!!!

niga higa

Almost Christmas!!!!!!!

I seriously can't wait for Christmas. I can't believe it is this weekend! But I have to study hard during my Christmas break...:( I guess there is no such thing as a "break" from studies. *sigh* Well, at least there's no homework during the holidays, that way I really can relax. Tuitions haunt me this week and it is really stressful. Unfortunately, I can't post more this week due to my busy schedule, but next week...I AM TOTALLY FREE!! My sister is giving me tuition at home and I gotta go for another tuition at my teacher's house. I hope it won't be long!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

lalaland this is *{}*

Little Miss Red Riding Hood.

i love this one...but the arms  looks huge :0

ohh love this one too it looks so real and awsome :)
i kinda like it but is not good with the hand stitching out...well what do you think :)
little hiding wood gahahah ;)
 when took this photo there is a lot of spiders in the bamboos and my sister called me to touch the bamboo ewww.

That's all. There will be more pictures posted in this blog so stay tune!


nigahiga R-O-C-K-S

So today i got nuthin to do so i got in to youtube and search about !!!NIGAHIGA!!! and found out an awsome nd funny video about him but it is kinda old i will post the new ones the day after tomorrow ok or not ok ? ,so the title of it is facebook,ok gotta go bye!!!!                                                             

Sunday, December 11, 2011

the trailer of dolphin tale

oh and you guys could visit it's website just go to

dolphin tale

so,last night me and my family (sister,mom,dad)went to Cambrige city square (not a test) ,i said that because i've heard about some test for primary 6 to pass to sec 1...BAH i am turning primary 6 this year yay :( but that is not the topic for today gahaha...really it is not funny,i bought a movie called:"Dolphin Tale" and it was awsome,it talks about a true story about how a boy named Sawyer saved/rescued a female dolphin and it truely captured your heart,i watch it a thousand times and it was awsome ugh gott start not saying awome aaahhh i said it again ok gotta spt gotta stop in the top of it,it was the picture of the movie and it is based on true story...yup I know i said that twice but whatever so blah bla blah and a blah blah blah bye.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

F_ _ _ gotta start writing

So,since exams had been taking over mother earth and I had to spent all my F_ _ _ _ _ _ time learning moi subjects (sorry I can't say it out loud ma mom is gonna kill me) but who cares wait but why I am bot saying it out loud,oh watta fucking cares,yup the title of this thingy says that I should talk more so ok I gotta talk more haha !!!SHIT!!! I am fucking late bye.

Friday, November 25, 2011

wierd horoscope

good bye grandma

So,i had just heard the bad news that my grandma died today and I was very sad because I never get a chance to play with her and I never get to talk to her,and it had been such a long time not meating her,she is in koma last Wednesday morning (don't know what time is it) but it is morning,hope she goes to heaven.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

penang time

today I visitng my grandma so me and my dad fly to malaysia but we are still in the cafe so there is a internet on it,gotta check and it turns out worse and also my fav cousin is also visiting I am missing her right now,(can't wait),I can't stop waiting it is like I am in a hurry,yeah I am in a hurry so bye,!!!PEACE!!! ;)

Oral exam turns out great

Ok so today I have an oral exam,but I forgot to wrote it yesterday,so today or noe I had nothin to do but only writing in my blog,if my mom,dad and nanny would let me play with my dog "Cody" I would do it right now,ugh Byron to do except playing me iPod and while doing that I am watching TV,so let's all just go on with the topic ok,so today wait did I say so twice or thrice oh great I say it again or maybe I say thrice or fourth times adding with that -- I can't said again because well my sister said that I always say well or -- and then my dad and sister keep on making fun of me because of that :( bye,peace!!! Wait hold the pause that is not the topic,ugh what ever bye!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


so yesterday my mom just bought a new pair of shoes and I love,it was converse because I told my mom to bought it for me while she is take caring my grandma in beijing or penang,then she photo it for me and it turns out awsome,I love it so much I even can't wait to wear it when she got home so anyways.....this is the picture!!!!

well what did you think?,was it awsome or super awsome well I can't decide is it awsome or super awsome,I hope you like or love especially thanks to my mom,actually I just called her to buy me the black colour only but she didn't she choose this awsome one,ugh can't wait to try it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

still the same

what the hell

so today I was opening my bloggy and check some of those viewers and watch some of my videos that I post and suddenly the new video the nigahiga one that I post yesterday (maybe) was not functioning well so this is the new one I post it to let u guys see so right now it is functioning well so for those who think I am nuts because in your laptop or any electronic gadget so clear and I did nuthin but post the other one well blame it to my laptop which I am using right now bye.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

another nigahiga video

so today I had nuthin to do since it was idhul adhal (sorry can't spell it) and we didn't go to school today well just only monday so I was bored,so I open the computer and search in youtube about nigahiga and I saw this video funny too but it is the old one right now if the indovision isn't broken I would definately open it right now but it is not like really broken it was not in a good condition because of the lights out last sunday or friday like that so my mom and dad tried to fix it but can't so my mom called the TV fixer which I don't know and fix it but it haven't come so we are sttuck in our house nuthin to watch only the indonesian channel which I gotta admit that it stinks alot and I feel like they are copycats so we all have nuthin to watch ok so get a move to this topic ok or ok so I searched and blah blah blah,just watch it ok.

need to get out of here so boring

gotta kill my bordem again

another video

so today I had nuthin to do so I go to the youtube and search about the awsome greyson chance music video and the title is unfriend you it was awsome I think you should check it out because this time it is different instead of waiting outside the line and it is not just sitting in the piano and play ok maybe some have but in all of the greyson chance's video I prefer watchin this one so please enjoy.

another video

OMEAGLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

hello so last last wednesday my when I was watching TV (as always) my sister called me and she said that she just found a new website which is really awsome and we gotta talk to a stranger well I can't explain it becuse I love it so much right now I am playing it to,the website
it was awsome wait I said it loads of time awsome then I said it again whatever,so um these are that is a chat which I copy paste bye oh yeah and BTW you is me stranger is the other person.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hellooo

You: hi

You: m/f

Stranger: m

You: f

You: al

You: asl

Stranger: 16 m canada

Stranger: you?

You: 15 london

You: and female

Stranger: is london nice :o/

Stranger: ?

You: not yet know

You: haven't explore

Stranger: oh

Stranger: just move there?

You: because I just move to london because my dad got a new job

Stranger: ohhh thats cool D:

You: next I wanna visit the bukingham palace

Stranger: lol yeah

Stranger: that would be something to see indedd

You: yeah

You: can't wait

Stranger: so whats up

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Was this conversation great? Download the log, or select the log for copy-pasting!
Hey, want to be spied on? (It's a fun new feature!)
If you volunteer, we'll give you and a stranger a random question to discuss. The question comes from a third stranger who will be able to watch your chat, but unable to participate. Of course, this is still completely anonymous!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

doin this for fun :)

xfqoeryuqeyofuiroeyfxngtupthoituyiophuyh;tup;xsopir'ap kefj;qerioutnpcqioeut;qioerutpviuwo
So last last time (well I don't know when and I forgot)I open my TV to watch a new movie in ''Nickelodeon'' and it was awsome the title was under because just now when I wanna write somethin i ecxidentally click publish post so I put no title and I kinda figure out that it does't look bad at all well I mean really it kinda looks pretty cool~ actually and I love it so lets get on ok,so like I said the title is under and I love it so much althought those werewolf does not look real ata all after all it is just a movie and there are lots of creepy stuff and I love it so much I can't stop watching it and never get bored because it is really love it.

the boy who cried werewolf

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

gahaha yeah nuthin to do,just writing me blog and done hahaha well actually I had no title to put so just skip this stupid and boring part and go to the ''I DON'T KNOW '' topic and get over wit so I was watchin some movie and stuff wit my sistah Cherie and BTW you guys should visit her blog I think it is awshom and I wan u guys to look at it '',so anyway I was watching and so I heard this boy (dun know his age) his name was Greyson Chance and he is awsom this is the video anyway (it is not the real one) but I just search it so leave a comment in case u guys found a great title or about him anyway PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

my birthday

yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy it is my birthday today as same as childrens day yay!!!!!!!!!!! well I am not really shure how can childrens day can ends up in my birthday time huh weird actually,but for me super amazing I 've got loads of presents even I am tired to carry it up so I ask my sister,so any way since my dad is out of town my mom will took me to dinner and she also celebrate it at my second favourite tuition which is danceing (not joking) so any way hope you and I enjoy it !!!!!!!!!!!!!PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

why he died

So last Wednesday my dad and sister open the TV which I thought I don't care but I care yeah which I not really care,then when I walk towards my room I heard that a reporter is talking about Steve Jobs died but I don't know when,then my sister over reacted again and say "I want MacBook " AKA he designed it,then I saw lots of inventions he made well actually I over reacted to and I also say "I want Iphone5" which I don't have a phone because of my sister well I explained that later right know I mean that time I was like OMG who will build Iphone5 omy dad told me that there will be maybe his assistance to help himdesignand blah blah blah~ so boring then finish.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Thank you for the views! It's 1838 VIEWSS! Awww....
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Feel free to leave comments to any of my posts cause I'll be reading it every time I go online. You can give suggestions too! Anyways, THANKS A BUNCH!
Happy 1838 VIEWS!
Let's make it to 2000!


So I'm going to change the link of this blog. TEEHEE.
From to
So, by later at 12 noon, please don't type cause I'll be changing it to

Everything will be the same, only the link will change. HEHEHE


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

david beckhem talk show with phineas and ferb

today well my sister told me to put some other video ecxept nigahiga so last time I went browsing in youtube of ''Phineas and Ferb talk show'' so I saw david beckham name over there so when I click it,it is so amazing and funny.hahahahahahah enjoy.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

captain america

hey gals and boys,so yesterday I watch captain america it was an awsome movie,althought it might sometimes be scarry and sometimes funny but some of those parts reminds me of kung fu panda 2 that I watch maybe last last last last time ago,OMG I love kung fu panda ssssssooooooooo much because it is totally funny but not as crazy as I am know "HARRY POTTER" yeah never forget that,never ever,well maybe I so nuts of harry potter even I could never be bordem about it oh and I also spent half of my time watching my favorite show,"PHINEAS AND FERB",I also watch that you know,so any way better get going of course never miss my favourite movie harry potter oh yeh I almost forgot I also love nigahiga too.PEACE :P

Friday, September 16, 2011


I smoke?

These are just shots taken by my sister during our boredom. Hope you guys like it!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

so sweet

in all of the nigahiga seen I think this is the most sweetest video in all of the nigahiga video that I just watch it right,oooooooohhhhhhhh~ they are so sweet I can't handle myself from saying that.TEEHEE.

make over blogger

so today my sister help me making over my blogger and then the make over is done I was happy well,hmm well better get going again wait did I said well double times oops hehehehehe I so clumzy maybe that word or something ggaahh~ forget it well enjoy your well looking haha well good night wait did I said well again holy chocolate.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

this is the other one sorry I can't help myself putting video on my blog
down here this is the video but they make the new one called skitzo,I choose this one because it is also hillarious but I will post it tomorrow again PEACE!!!!!!

so hillarious !!!!!!!!!! (+_+)

ok,so today my sister told me to open youtube and tipe "nigahiga" it was so hillarious that I even almost cry,that is why I haven't open me blog for a lllloooooonnnnngggggg time,I kept on watching more and more of the video and I just can't stop it because it is too hillarious that I can't even let the computer go or take by someone,you guys all try to watch it because it is so hillarious,wait,did I say hillarous lots of time hahahahah wait I said it again ok I have to stop (!-!) hahahahahahahah,ok so you guys all just try to watch it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

more pictures of dr.dre

but there are more styles and it is different and there will be also more colours than that you guy just search for it.^~^.