Sunday, November 14, 2010

my 2 horsie day

Yeah yeah well it is so ccccccoooooooooooooooooollllllllllll like way cooler then the first one,hahahah yeah when I was riding I was flying to hevean then when a big hunck man or as I called sumo,well the name is jefrey,well that boy is like 60 pounds because my cousin nows all about him well,that big giant sumo makes my chubby horse shekel die for hhhhhhhhheeeeeellllll bcause of his weights,you know why I hate him,so well the answer is here!!!!!!!!,first of all that big sumo steels my schecel then second that flappy panda or sumo well what ever wears my helmet with no good resons,even thougth that flappy sumo almost kill my horse just look at it that panda will never get a hrose by just looking at him,even the australia horse the bad bad bad one even afraid of him,and even when that australia horse could die then gone puff so that is the third one that I hate about that sumo so bye

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