Monday, December 27, 2010


ok today I was in jakarta well you know why,well it is because that my passport is wet so we went to my jakarta better but today my dad went home with my grandpa but not with my grandma just grandpa well it is because he misses work,so we all live in my father small brother so he has two dogs (chihuahua:lala and winny)and he have one bunny (snow ball)(name it myself because they haven't given it a name teehe),six fishes (some of them are eels and eww),two turtles(no clue what is it name) and two hamsters(hamtaro the boy and hamtari the pregnent one)(name it myself too) but if me the most like the bunny because it is cute and soft even though I like dogs but still their dogs are pretty much anoying so bye.

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