Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Night night

Wow it is dark and well of course it is night already and I got nothing to do in here and of course yup can't sleep at all so that is why I just right something in my crazy blog and seat down to watch TV well sometimes it is indovision and the best marathon to watch cartoon and some funny stuff well like (TRICKY TV) or (ARTZOOKA) well for me those movies are the best so that is why huuuhhh:(YAWN) oh well look at the time well good night.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

P2's gone wild

Ok so today I have been very excited but when on lunch time I have never seen primrary 2 has gone while before I leave the library today and I was also like OMG because WOW I have never seen that before well
some of them running,chasing each other,climd up the table.
WOW well I mean that is almost like a jungle and wew good thing is that no one got heart when climbing up the table,well I mean that if one of them got heart well of course our teacher is responsile with this kinda mess but also that go I walk away with my two best bud's so bye.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Ok so,I am in medan now well don't think that I am still in jakarta and I am you know such a big fan of horses so I did a little research about it and this is the example of the picture that I have been downloading it.


ooohhhh,I love this one well you know
my favourite colour is black so I
choose this and by the way if in
medan we can have horses running
around so I would call my dad to bought
this one for my birthday from last last
last year.