Thursday, December 30, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

organs are annoying


ok today I was in jakarta well you know why,well it is because that my passport is wet so we went to my jakarta better but today my dad went home with my grandpa but not with my grandma just grandpa well it is because he misses work,so we all live in my father small brother so he has two dogs (chihuahua:lala and winny)and he have one bunny (snow ball)(name it myself because they haven't given it a name teehe),six fishes (some of them are eels and eww),two turtles(no clue what is it name) and two hamsters(hamtaro the boy and hamtari the pregnent one)(name it myself too) but if me the most like the bunny because it is cute and soft even though I like dogs but still their dogs are pretty much anoying so bye.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


;)kªªý™ today I was ssssssssoooooooooo damn angry about that ego maniak biatch girl Sese well you know why it is?,well because
1.So annoying
2.Copycat and not creatif
3.A big fat liar
That is all what I hate about that biatch girl well you know what I wish for christmas is that she will be away from the galaxy and never came back,but the best part is that I also wish to curse that biatch girl so bye.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


ok so christmas holiday is coming and I am very happy because my well I mean our trip is going to penang and guess what we are staying at a nearby hotel that is call Ghotel ok yeah I now it sounds pretty weird but I kinda like it and that place is of the chain and I lllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it very much and well of course it is like my dream house there will be also a nearby mall and that mall has "Toys R Us" and of course even I am growing up but still I act like an kindergarten student and so bye.

Friday, December 10, 2010

christmas here I come

ok so well you know that christmas is coming and the most favourite year ever yeah well I have been waiting this for a whole time and this is the picture today I am searching about in harry potter,ok and this is the picture that when there first year is over and hello to the second year and that is why I downlod this picture to let all of you to see well you know why it is because I am addicted to harry potter and belive me you know that it is awsome the movie the cute outfits of their hogwarts uniform and ooh some of them wears cute boots that well I don't know about it and well it is fun and gryffindor,and slytherin,and hufflepuff and raven claw well in all of those stories that professor Mcgongagoll tells the story abot the camber of secrets when the episode called Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets ooh yah and the best part over there is when harry potter,ron weasley and professor lockhart as the defence against the dark arts teacher that is well very dumd and always copying everybodies idea well that is why I know him that he is very dumb,and well we shude talk about christmas well ok and so bye.

Monday, December 6, 2010

harry potter rocks

Okay so well this is it my only favourite movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeh well maybe I am a girl who always love harry potter and of course I need to be a girl who love harry potter so much until I lay down the grave,hahahaha well so harry potter rocks by the way and it is A.W.S.O.M.E yeah well do you wanna know how I love harry potter,well when I was like primary 2 like that yeh so when my cousin cindy come she call me to open harry potter so when I watch with her I was like this W.O.W because I watch it and it fills great so bye.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

poem writen by putri

From:putri pearl koswara
Title:there's always something new
A new chapter will begin,
Don't think you can predict the future.
Maybe you can meet a monster,
or a very weird creature.
You'll always make mistakes,
Things will always come.
If you can predict the future,
Sometimes it would be dull.
There's always something new.
Spring,summer,winter and fall.
Like you can get a fever,
And can make you fall.
Don't always think you know everything;
Cause there's always something new.
Good or bad may things sometimes be life and death can come,
You will see extrodinary joy,
Sometimes new will always come!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

and by the way it is not yet bye time for mmmmmmeeeeeeee so I was so surprise when the first day I ride Shekel and she is like amazing horse and if my cousin horse is called Molla and the horse is as same as the selina irwan horse when she trains there oh yeah and haha by the way again I am very happy about it and do you know why that I pick Schekel,well it is becaose that I hate Molla well not because of selina well it is because I hate her colour because it looks kinda dirty so that is why I pick Shekel and her colour is brown and I love her very much and she loves me too,she is my friend over there so bye.

my horse

well this is my horse Schekel she is a female,she have one daughter name Shasha,well this is the first riding lesson of mine it is so fun that I even could have imagine well I hope you like it so bye

me first day in tungtungan wanna adopt a horse

Saturday, November 27, 2010

new music of taylor swift and kesha

Ok so I open a song called Mine and it is written by a girl called Taylor Swift and she is awsome,she have a beautiful voice and her song is country because when I was primary 2 I herd that when she is young she loves country songs and by the way if you now kesha she is just like her and everything but if kesha she put like not country song well she just put like !!!!!!! ROCK AND ROLL !!!!!! like that but I kinda like her too you know amd now I am hearing her songs in my blackberry,boy like you and dirty picture so bye.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

cedric diggory

ok umm so cedric diggory play the movie harry potter and the goblet of fire and he is over there called cedric diggory but in the real he is called robert patinson yup the one who act in twilight and yeah he is the one who play edward cullen too you know and by the way over there well ummm he is still like age sixteen like that ok so over there he is the chosen in the competition in harry potter is the triwizard competition so bye.

ooh how love it for sight

well this picture has been taken like when I starts p4, so this is my dog the one that have brown ears yeah well how cute seeing two of them together well this dog that looks like pomeranian is like kind of my neightbour dog name pony yeah and hope you like it so bye.

Friday, November 19, 2010


ok so today I have just herd my mom says to my dad that tomorrow we are going to watch harry potter and the deadly hollows and well since I am harry potter !!!!BIGEST!!!!! and ever fan well yeah of course I was like this,Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so that is what I feel right know ok so,Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I cannot wait for it snd know I was like that too!!!!!!!!!!!! you know so that is why I cannot wait to go there already and bye.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

katy perry

katy perry is a singer this picture I have choose is like she is in japan,she is the second lady gaga because she act like one and evreytime I watch her is [V] chanel she always like put somethiing dirty dirty like that but I kinda like her because she is very talented girl and I wish that someday she will win an oscar award because she is the most talented girl I have ever met in my entire life but the met thingy dosen't mean that I have ever met her but what I ment was that in her video clip she is very talented girl and I know that she will be the next lady gaga then she will be as famous as lady gaga so bye
thank you guys for coming to my blog be sure to come again because there will going to have some more cool and funny stuff so bye.


Ok first of all today is myfavourite day it is becausethat today in my school is holiday butonly one thing that is very very very insane andit is,each of our homework is in our different subject and it is pulling me away from my freedom and now I was like,Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh,yeah well like so you pretend if you were me trying to scream infront of my teacher and BTW yeah I feel like that was awsome if I did that in public.I am so in trouble and plus I got tree green slips if I did that !!!OMG!!! So bye

Monday, November 15, 2010

my dog cody

omg is,nt he cute when the first time I got him my umm sister wanna name him zack but when my dad brought him and I said to my mom that I wanna name him cody instead of zack so my dad agree well the kind of dog is shit zhu and the reason why my sister choose him isbecause well the story starts here.when my other dog name ricky well ricky is just like 2 months like that when I first got ricky well umm rick is a mini piser but a he die by a sickness well I don't know what kind of sickness then,when he umm died everywhere I go I always think of him so when the day well of course i cry too even in school yeah well I don't have his picture,ok so moving on so when my dad and sis felt pity for me and well guest what!!!!!!!!!!!!! when on saturday or monday like that they bought cody and cody had a small sister too you know but when my sister saw his small sister,it looks very lonely well how about cody??????? well he is so active and so playful when my sister saw him ok so they buy him just for me and well end of the disgustion or show so bye


this is the picture when my first horsie lessons begin,well I cannot see the eyes because my helmet is covering it so it is very hard to see my eyes,and well I look like a dorkie princess
riding a pony with braces hahahahahahahah well that is not funny for me yeah well,it is fun riding a horse,but the first time I got very nervous just like a balooon have too much air inside it yeah well for me kinda embarresing hahaha yeah I cannot spell embarressing and my grammar uhhh not so perfect at all so I hope you enjoy my picture hehe looks terrible is'nt it so bye

Sunday, November 14, 2010

my 2 horsie day

Yeah yeah well it is so ccccccoooooooooooooooooollllllllllll like way cooler then the first one,hahahah yeah when I was riding I was flying to hevean then when a big hunck man or as I called sumo,well the name is jefrey,well that boy is like 60 pounds because my cousin nows all about him well,that big giant sumo makes my chubby horse shekel die for hhhhhhhhheeeeeellllll bcause of his weights,you know why I hate him,so well the answer is here!!!!!!!!,first of all that big sumo steels my schecel then second that flappy panda or sumo well what ever wears my helmet with no good resons,even thougth that flappy sumo almost kill my horse just look at it that panda will never get a hrose by just looking at him,even the australia horse the bad bad bad one even afraid of him,and even when that australia horse could die then gone puff so that is the third one that I hate about that sumo so bye

Friday, November 12, 2010

hahahahahahaha yeah too long the christie thingy isn't it so that is how I beg my mom,dad and sister so that is wh why I write don'y be like me ok so bye because it is sleeping time and sleep well..........

Having Fun wid Cody!!

hello yeah it is christie again so today is my favourite day it is because when I got home from tuition cody suddenly snatch me and and well he seems that he miss me and he wants to play with me oh well but I didn't have a picture of it hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu oh well guess I am sorry for all those fllowers but don't you worry I will put it oh hey remember the day when I said to you all followers that I promise too put the horse ridding thing so well guess what,see I am not a liar to all of my fans oh well sleep tight...................
bye Zzzz...............

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

letters to juliet

so the story of letters to juliet is,a girl who is enggage with an Italian boy well I think,she is a writer and her husband or boyfriend,well she called her husband or boyfriend,her fiance so when you watch this movie well if you get confuse the one that she always called fiance well you can always go to my blog if you want to well um lets go on to our lesson now so,her fiance is going to be a chef so they visit Itali,so one day she met a group called 'secretaries of juliet',this group helped girls all around the country who is already broken hearted,so it is like this,people or girls put some letters to a place called 'kasa de juliets house' well I think it is ok,so those girls who is broken hearted stick those letters to the wall or sometimes they called the juliets house,after evrybody is gone one of the secrearies of juliets get a basket then pick it up,then they go back to a restourant where one of the secretaries mom cook,so when the girl follow one of them so there it is,she is very curious about why the secretaries took it so she asked them when those secretaries are writing those letters so she knows about it already then ok,but the next day when she is picking up those letters with one of the secretaries the blrick broke then she look inside of it,and there is a letter who have been wrote by 50 years already,well you all just watch so you could know well bye

ooh how cute!!!!!

this is my ummm well I don't what it is called but her name is emily she lives in america where it s very very very far from here that is why I cannot see her,this is the time when halloween,she is dressing up like a cute little puppy yeah she is the most cutest girl I have ever seen in my entire life and by the way I like the way she dresses because it is so cute and I always wanted to pinch her chicks gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr oh I cannot wait to go to america and meet her ok so bye

€hri$tie ¥ou are in a big trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so do you know "why" did I put this title "€hri$tie ¥ou are in a big trouble" it is because that today is not a good dddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy for me well it is because that today is my worse nightmare,you know what I meant,ok so what I ment was that to day is my hatest day and the day is today because again my hatest lesson or tuition is on this day so that is why today is my hatest day and good bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

rainy rainy picture

ok so when I just wanna go to my piano tuition I took a picture of a rainy day using my blackberry instead I have nothing to do in my car so I decided to photo some of it well I hope you enjoy aaaaaaahhhhhhhh here it is so bye

dear diary

Ok so umm I made my blog as a diary because my mom don't bye real diary for me so I decided to make my blog as my diary,so we need to go on to the lesson so umm the lesson of today is rrrrrrrraaaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyy day so now my diary is about rainyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,and you know what actually,my favourite weather is rainyyyyyyyyy,ok I gotta stop talking about rainyyyyyyyyy because I always say that so that is why blah.....blah....blah ok so bye I gotta life•~ “^^” so bye

Monday, November 8, 2010

cool stuff for your bears

this is the doll that I always wanted

ok so last sunday I've just BBM with my cousin/best friend the name is natasha siddik but in my family we call her natasha,yesterday I just chat with her,so she send me this picture then,she told me that she is going to give me this doll,then instead she leaves in jarkata not in medan so she said to me that when one of my uncle gets married,well I know she is coming to medan so she said that she is going to give and then my ears are sssssshhhhhhooooooooccccccckkkkkkkkk about that,so I BBM her back to said that when my uncle married it is on january and now it is 8 november so I said it is ok because she is just primary 3 so I need to give her some chance to start a new life so my answer is ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but don't worry about that problem because they sell that in medan too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so I can bye it in medan so that is why my answer is ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,so I know you all learn a leason from my story so bye

giddy giddy giddy up


Ok so today I have no clue to write about this thing well it is because I have nothing to write about in my blog so this is the title that it is in my mind because I remember yesterday is my first riding lessons ok so any way when at night I have dream of my own horse well my favourite colour is black so in my dream it is definitly black and very talented horse which I remember hahahahahaha well what are you laughtinng at it is not not not not not not even funny ok so any way in my dream I was riding my horse so I am very good at it then in my dream that my teacher is the most very good good good good good good good good ok I said that for like I don't know well I keep on wishing to have my own horse like that oh well I know it will not come true true true true and true because how could I have a horse well even my father is rich well yeah how can I have a horse,you know why I said that???????????? It is because that in medan or indonesia or whatever ever we cannot have a horse but we can only have a bunch of stincky cows,but still even thought we have a stincky cow still we cannot ride them,oh yuppie “~~” haha but there is no fun at all in medan so bye

the story of how my blog starts

ok so umm I am just got home from school ok so and by the way those who read my blog then why try to make it yourself well I cannot do it because my sister the one that make me this blog so instead she make it for me and I have it for nothing so I better play with it then to waist my time learning how to play badminton so that is why I just play with it then to leave it junk like this so I better fill it up like a bottle oh yah you better go to because she is more cool and beautiful then me so I am just saying that I am not jealouse about her or something but I just wanna be friends with her but I have nothing to say so that is why I am just saying this so that she could be my friend ok so I tried to ask her that do you want to be my friend ok so bye

Sunday, November 7, 2010

my first horsie lessons turns out great

Ok so today is my favourite day it is because that,this is my first horsie day,but umm sorry about it so well I don't have the picture,it is because that the picture is not with me and umm I will post it when my dad sendit to me ok so ummmmm well why I always keep on saying umm or well,ugh whatever ok lets go on to the lessons,my cousin marcella also follow me twition over there so we are picking our own horse to ride so if marcella my cousin she pick a horse name maura,the horse is a girl and the colour is white and a little brownish well the colour I ment that black then white like that,what I ment was that it is white and it is little bit dirty but it is not dirty at all ok,so um I pick a horse too and the name was sechel I think it is a girl too but she is already a mom,so it means that she already have a foal well I kind of don't know if it is a girl or a boy so umm the colour of my horse is brown,but I like it because she have pretty eyes and then she have beutiful colour so that is why I choose her so my battery is going to finish now so bye

Saturday, November 6, 2010

this is for you

Hello again this is christie siddik well you I think now me very well ok so lets go on to our lesson ok so the lesson is tht today is my favoyrite day because umm well it is because today I is my first riding lesson I mean that I am not riding a pig or all the animals right ok so what I meant is that I have my first horse riding lesson ok so that is why this is my favourite day well I kind of like ecxited about it so that is why I went or go to my blog and write about it so there is there and well so trust me you will never go to my sister blog it is because that she is very selfish about her stuff so I remember what my mom says if you met someone that is selfish like my sister it means that the one that is selfish could liesssss to you very many times so ok I think my work is doe here so bye


ok so well um I kind of forget the day so any way I am googleing about this cute and fussy doll so do you mine checking it out so here it is well those bears are called build a bear work shop so you can only find it at well I am not sure I think everywhere so bye.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Today when I woke up my dad suddenly ask me do you want horse back riding so at least ♓εε♥♓зз♥♓εε already now that I was into it well finally ♓εε♥♓зз♥♓εε rialise that I always wanted to learn it so that is why my answer is yes so ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm today is saturday so my dad contact one of his friends that I want to learn so well tomorrow is sunday right ;)kªªý™ so ♓εε♥♓зз♥♓εε says that ♓εε♥♓зз♥♓εε will take me and my cousin to the place then learn so bye

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

OMG!!! I look so cute when I was small

ok so today I have nothing at all to do because um well so I search this in my album then I realize that I found this cute pic of me when I was a baby so I take a pic of this then I put it in my blogger so ummmmm I hope you like it because this is one of my baby pic in my album well the rest is like when I was four years old or something so please enjoy it and I hope you can help me because no one in my class or my family well of course ecxept my sister because she is been helping me out about my blog so please eho visit my blog please tell your friends if you don't want well it is up too you because that is your life not mine so you are the one who control it not me you have your own heart and I have mine too because it is our life we are not sharing our life because god created us and he gives us life then he gives us heart so if you don't want well it is ok bye

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I belive in animals

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it remaids me of singapore zoo when I was like four or five years old when I went there and me and my sister saw a statue of a crocodile over there and my mom called me to take a picture of it and so this is the picture I am posting right now so over there have a lots of animals and I was like this,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because I like animals because some of them have something great in there hearts you know why I say that because I've trust them that one of them have a special talent like the dogs they bark loud and they also could be a watch dog too and they could be a police dog too now that is a dog special talents you see just think about it and try it at your home I know you will know one of your pets special talent just like a jaguar see they ran fast and eats lots of food but they get thinner see that is what jaguars special talent to you know and by the way if you already come to singapore zoo and you ever take a picture of the crocodile thinngy well you could lie your friends that you ever wreseling with a crocodile so your friends think you are thought so they be your slave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh ya and bye.

I miss my old times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the picture move I think?????????????

Thursday, September 30, 2010

freaky friday

also the uno diary of a wimpy kid

the new book of diary of a wimpy kid

love story always starts

MISS DIOR CHERIE'S PERFUME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

god I hate going back to medan!!!!!!!

ok so today I just go back to medan and I hate it because there is school and and and and I hate the most of all twition and I need to wake up early for school again that is the most hatest part because I just want to sleep until 6 o'clock that is why I hate it

Sunday, September 26, 2010


​ĥǻĥǻĥǻĥǻ it is very good

Saturday, September 18, 2010

wondering around in my so called wonderland

justin bieber is a gay

ok so this pic that you send it for me oh my that is so mommy mommy like ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want my mommy because I am a baby you know that

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I hate her

Monday, September 13, 2010

don'y be like me

actually I think

ok first of all I hate two people and they are such an idiots oh yeah and here is a sectret for you too well actually.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I THINK THE WORLD IS FULL OF IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!well my mom says it's my atitued IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so goodbye

Sunday, September 12, 2010

my fav songs in jaybezz~~~~~~~~~~

ok so I was in a hurry about that because there is a fat boy rushing for the last computer ok so I didn't mean to write like oh look at me I am jaybezz~~~~~~~number one fan well not like that ok I mean like I hate him because he is too play boy you know why I say that? ok because every time when I watch the music video there is always girls that he like her then she pretend to hate him but actually not


good morning singapore

ok so today I am at the hospital playing internet ok so today is the five day of my life in singapore so well I just decided to go to shopping or something LOL and I hate it very much about shopping with my parents you know why? because it was emdaressing about it so think about it if your a grown up and you still wanna shop with your parents well LOL if you see your friends hanging out each other then and you?.You stuck with your parents ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is more embaressing then I say in the first place you know so if your a grown up like me just try too remember what I say you know so ummmmm you better start hanging out with your freinds already ok so bye.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Today was a holiday:yup this Friday.Not because of some public event or holiday something like that,but that our school is doing something like a teacher training' thingy to maybe train our teacher?
otherwise why would they call it training/ but it is a great thing oh well maybe it is for me ok hey don't start about that chating cause I am not doing it again ok so stay back from me or I will call my visious dog to bite you grrrrr ok so any way I was trying to make things better around here ok not just me,my sister,my mom,my dad or any one in my entire family which include my dog okay not just me me and meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee forever okay oh yeah and someone gonna stand up and sing or do something else too not just me or something like that oh yeah and I am not talking like this "^^" or this !!!!!!!! and I am not talking about thisssssssssssssss !@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!!@!@!@!@!@ that is why I hate my families especially my cousin and my dog and make that as a ham ok so uh I think I am goinig to be crazy LOL for that oh no I am still crazy oh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok so good bye everybody.

a trip to singapore again

ok so tomprrpw is wednesday so today is the last day of me going to singapore and I am so ecxited about it so I can't wait until tomorrow that is why I am writing it in my blog so you can see and know it that today is my last day in medan so I wanted to say goodbye to you all and have a good day oh yeah you know why I am very ecxited because I cannot wait to go and see my cousin in jakarta the name is natasha but everyone call her tata yeah that is her name in siddik family tata or natasha siddik so and I wanted to go to universal studio with her and you know this is a secret it is actually been the first time I went to universal studio so wish me luck ok

Friday, September 3, 2010

big bang number one fan

hi its me again christie so when I was about to say eh that my hav band is big bang but it is only in korea band or something

Thursday, September 2, 2010

alice in wonderland

the story of alice in wonderland is that a girl who is fatherless and so one day the mother of alice wants her daughter to be married by a gentelman but she did'nt like him so they throw a party about the engajement then when the gentleman say will you be my wife then the girl name alice says that she really need to go so she founda the rabbit with a t-shirt and a big pocket watch then he says I'm late so she need to follow the rabbit then when she follow she saw the hole where the rabbit came from and suddenly she fall with no one pushing her on the way she saw a books a piano and some spoocky things so please watch alice in wonderland and enjoy

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


oh ya and I forget this one too this is my sister make yeh she kind of you know mh yeh she did'nt follow the instruction of her teacher the teacher said that do like mine but she did'nt want to follow so she got F

my slacks of painting

ok today I went to my old twition name arts and desines studio it is about painting and desine so I learn there as painting and our teacher is absent so there is a new replacement teacher she called us to paint our name like this so we follow her instruction and she says that if you like blacke make your wallpeper black and also that if you also like purple you can do it like this to so here is what I come out with