Saturday, October 9, 2010

I belive in animals

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it remaids me of singapore zoo when I was like four or five years old when I went there and me and my sister saw a statue of a crocodile over there and my mom called me to take a picture of it and so this is the picture I am posting right now so over there have a lots of animals and I was like this,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because I like animals because some of them have something great in there hearts you know why I say that because I've trust them that one of them have a special talent like the dogs they bark loud and they also could be a watch dog too and they could be a police dog too now that is a dog special talents you see just think about it and try it at your home I know you will know one of your pets special talent just like a jaguar see they ran fast and eats lots of food but they get thinner see that is what jaguars special talent to you know and by the way if you already come to singapore zoo and you ever take a picture of the crocodile thinngy well you could lie your friends that you ever wreseling with a crocodile so your friends think you are thought so they be your slave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh ya and bye.

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